EventWell Consulting’s™ Brand Story

Mission: To educate and create awareness about the need for events to evolve to a place of incorporating the Pillars of Well-Being; physical, mental, social, environmental, and values-based needs. Ultimately blueprinting events that allow all attendees to feel seen, heard, and leave happy.

Brand story: Founder, Victoria Reid, has been planning major events for corporations, entrepreneurs, and organizations for more than 20 years. She is a certified yoga instructor and after experiencing her own extreme burnout, she started to see the event world through a different lens that focused on well-being. Victoria has a vision for events that includes movement, takes into consideration how people consume and digest information, and acknowledges the differences of individuals. By acknowledging the uniqueness of each individual participating in an event, from dietary restrictions to religious and cultural observances, EventWell Consulting™ allows all event participants to leave feeling seen, heard, and happy!

Vision: That all events will be blueprinted in a way that builds equitable experiences serving all people and that anyone planning an event will have access to resources supporting the Pillars of Well-Being.